NYPA Spring Conference & Trade Show

Speaker Presentations:


Damian Radcliff - Social Media and AI Changing Journalism

Michael Bolton - Empowering Local Newsrooms

Mike Reilley - Fact Checking Handout and AI Tools Handout

Sally Herships - How to Write for Podcasts and  Handout

Richard Brown - Retention Strategies

Ryan Young - Social Media/Sports Betting

Joseph Lichterman, Emily Roseman & Carrie Porter - Email Newsletters

Heather Hopp-Bruce - Making Time for Good Design and Turn Your Newsroom into a Design Powerhouse

Lyle Muller - Shaking Up that Story List

David Arkin - Boost Audience/Revenue and Branded Content

Robyn Gray & Mary Lou King - Open Government

Terry Horne - Take Back Leadership in Your Community

Mickey Osterreicher - Copyright Law and Photo Ethics

Sean Gregory

Julie Foley

Benjy Hamm

Tim Griggs



Ryan Dohrn - Selling Amidst Uncertainty, Top 10 Sales Questions and Selling Value

Dan Ambrose - Art of Persuasion and Where is the Money

Susan McCullin - Client Needs Analysis and Connect with High Potential Prospects

Richard Brown - Digital Advertising Essentials

Robert Young - Digital Product Development and  Transforming Sales Team

Penny Riordan - Branded Content

Kevin Rehberg - Value of Audited Audience Metrics

Tim Greer - Adding Digital Products to Your Sales Tool Kit

Kevin Barrier